Friday, April 1, 2011

Greetings but First Things First!

Welcome, my lovies!

I've officially let the world - or at least the YouTube & Twitter world - know about this new blog and I'm really excited. I've got a few pictorials lined up and a video or two as well. Vintage hair is interestingly intricate and very beautiful.  Since I've started wearing my hair in retro styles, I've noticed that I get way more looks from people when I'm out and about. The older people tend to smile at me and I think it's because they acknowledge my hair and style as a visual blast from the past. So it's very sweet and always welcoming and I'm excited about showing the elegance and style I've picked up from my elders! There are a few sites I've found during my little stint of research that showcase photos of people of color from the 20s through the 70s and they're beautiful!

Online, upon the many searches I've done for vintage hair styling guides, photos, tutorials, etc., I've found very few have been designed for African American women or women of color in general (if you know of some let me know!). I haven't found many by us either although there are a few videos that are helpful on YouTube. If you do a search for "vintage hair" on Google, the first page only has one image an African American woman with a retro hairstyle and it's Tyra Banks. While gorgeous, she's got straight hair and on top of that it's probably a lace-front wig.  If you think that doing a search on "African American vintage hair" will get you better results, you'll probably find one black and white photo that shows a retro African American beauty salon (woo hoo! not bad but one photo?). Along with that you'll find some beautiful masks and an African American barbie doll albeit with straight hair. I'm sure you see my dilemma as a gal with naturally kinky curly hair.

So, I said to myself, "Self! Let's start a blog about it!" And me, myself and I did just that.

I hope you enjoy the posts to come!

~The Retro Natural


  1. OMG! Thank you sooooo much for this blog. It's funny because I was just searching for vintage pictures of african american women this very week and couldn't find anything except for the ones you mentioned. You pull off the retro look very, very well and I find it so inspiring. I have a new blog as well and would love to feature you on it soon.

  2. I am so following this blog. I felt like I was the only black chick who loves vintage, but fortunately, that is not the case. This is so needed and I will surely spread the word. Much success!

  3. What a wonderful idea for a blog! I can't wait to see what you have in store. Putting my twists and braids into buns day in and day out is getting really played out, so this is right on time!

  4. @tashelle You're very welcome! I felt exactly like you did..I was like wait a second lol something's missing! Congrats on your blog! I'd be honored to be featured, feel free to message me with the details =)

    @ Les, I noticed that there's a larger group of interested black chicks than I thought so I think we'll have a nice little hub here!

    @ Nefertiti, that's how I got after wearing twist outs after a while..variety is must for me! :)

  5. My friend and I were getting into rockabilly styles. The only problem is that she is white and can find tutorials very easily for her straight hair. I on the other hand have very thick/course BSL hair and don't want to straighten my hair to achieve the looks that I want. You are a vintage natural's inspiration.

  6. Great to learn about your blog from a flickr pal of mine. I love vintage African Americana when I can find it. I will add you to my short list! Good luck with the blog :o} (Also, beautiful hair!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @ themoderngiant, See I knew it wasn't just me! I didn't wanna straighten either but we can totally get a similar look! I'm so excited about this I'm working on the nest post as I type :)

    @mme walker, Me too, I'm always on the hunt! I plan to highlight some great, vintage flifkr photo sets of African American women with retro hair and style. Thank you for the compliment!

  9. Great styles, Retro! I've always liked those kinds of styles, but wanted to try them without so much heat! Look forward to seeing what else you've got.

  10. Great post, I struggle with retro inspired looks but mostly because of my size. i am resorted to making my own clothing and hopefully will have a post or two about some of the things i have been making. check out my blog and i am nicoleisthenewblack on youtbe. i hope to create a pussybow blouse in the near future, hair is at a lengh where i can do a roller set and be okay

  11. This is so awesome! I love retro fashion and style so, I'm definitely following your blog!

  12. This is SUCH a great idea! I look forward to your posts!

    (Thanks for the recipes over on my blog btw, going to try out the mac'n cheese this weekend!)

  13. No prob Lucy! I hope to try and make some one day myself haha :)

  14. OMG!!!

    I'm so glad I found you! I went natural 2 years ago and have lost my sense of style because I couldn't pull off retro without the hair! I was researching mild relaxers and somehow, decided to look for pinup hairstyles for afro hair and...I found your blog. I am relieved I won't have to straightened my hair to achieve this look. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  15. @ Kay, I'm glad you found me too, welcome aboard! I thought I'd need to straighten my hair too at first and then I just got in the mirror and tried to see what I could come up with :D I hope you enjoy what I've got to showcase! :)
