Monday, March 28, 2011

The Retro Natural: My New, Fun Retro Styled Blog!

Yep, 'tis true! I thought I'd get around to this next year once I was done with my 12 month photo project but I keep getting hints here 'n there -  perhaps from the divine - that I need to get a move on this idea for my blog that I've been toying around with and pondering about for a little while now. There's no time like the present so without further ado, I'll be kicking off this (pseudo) new blog, The Retro Natural: Vintage Inspired Hair for the Natural Hair Wearer.

What will this blog showcase, you ask? Mainly my two cents on retro fashion and hair styling from as well as retro DIY crafts because as you may know, I'm related to MacGyver and love working with my hands especially when it involves making something (pretty) out of nothing! No but really, I've been fascinated by vintage hair styling options for a while now but unfortunately, African American women weren't really portrayed much in the vintage artwork or home decor items that you can find at antique stores or vintage shops today. There isn't as much information out there regarding the best ways to go about styling highly textured hair with a vintage twist. It's not really surprising as to why but I know that I would like to see more of us get back into that retro glamour a la Lena Horne and Dorothy Dandridge. They're my idea of what glamour is and I want to showcase it. Also, I've gotten tons of questions about vintage hair styling for women with African American textured hair so I thought it'd be nice to show a bit of that...we natural gals love hair porn! Plus, I've always wanted to get retro inspired photos taken so where better to put them than here! :)

April 1st will mark the official starting point! I hope you enjoy the prettiness that's about to take place ;)


  1. wooohooo! I've been looking at a lot of retro styles since I reached my one yr and finally got enough length to pin up and style but just as you said, wasn't sure how to achieve on such textured hair. I'm excited to see what you will have displayed here. And it will be wonderful to see a textured updo involving something other than a Pompadour! lol

  2. sounds great! i'm looking forward to your posts!

  3. @ Renise, I love pomps but I totally agree, I wanna give women a variety of vintage styles to pull from! :)

    @ Milingmai, Thanks! My head if bursting with ideas, starting off tomorrow! :)

  4. Congratulations on this blog. Have you seen the blog called
    This sister does Fabric Photo Memories of black women(vintage) The author's name is Lovey. I just bought a book about her collages and I think you will love the pictures for inspiration for your vintage styles.

  5. Also here is the woman I was telling you about who is natural and dresses vintage/remix

  6. I'm so excited about this blog! I've also subscribed to you on youtube for quite some time and you are great! I'd love for you (and everyone else) to check out my blog:

  7. @Sandra, thanks for the link! That's definitely a blog for inspiration!

    @Evelyn, I will definitely check it out :)

  8. What do you mean by African American (AA) textured hair? There is not a texture specific to AA women. Women of African descent (even non-AA women)around the world have varied but (in some ways similar) textures.

    The language seems a little divisive although I know it wasn't meant as such. Maybe afro-textured or highly textured would be better words to describe the air texture many women of African descent have.

    Just a friendly critique/comment. :)

  9. @ Anon, I tend to switch between African American textured, kinky curly hair and highly textured hair. I just mean coily, curly hair. You probably just didn't notice it, I get where you're coming from though. No shade!

    ETA: Also, my audience is African American women, so this is who I tend to refer to. I hope you don't feel excluded but know that if you do, it's not due to what you see here. It's due to what you allow yourself to feel. :) I hope you enjoy the blog and come back again soon!

  10. @The Retro Natural: Ohhh...I see. I was just saying AA's don't have the monolopoly of highly textured hair...other folks of African descent (Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Latin(o/a)s, etc) have similar textures too. That makes the term "African American textured hair" meaningless.

    I didn't feel excluded...until you stated your audience was African American (AA) women. I thought the blog was for naturals who wanted to explore retro hairstyles. Not just AA naturals who wanted to explore natural hair styles. My point was just to say that not all women of African descent in the US are AA.

    With that said, I love this blog and your YouTube channel. I can't wait to see the future posts and try out some retro styles.


  11. Honestly, I started my hair journey because the retro styles I loved meant having longer hair. I wanted to do more than just a Dorothy Dandridge rollerset so here I am 2 yrs. later and finding your blog. Looking forward to future posts :)

  12. Oh this is awesome! Thank you for starting this blog. I find myself doing retro styles on the fly, and they are my favorite. I'm a bit of an "old soul" myself so it suits me well. (I'm in my early 30s.)

    If you're looking for photos, check out Vintage Black Glamour tumblr. You'll find a LOT of inspiration.

    Oh, and thank you AGAIN!

  13. @ Brandee, I'm glad you dig it! I'm an old soul myself and I've always loved the hair but yeah didn't think it'd work for me. I'm glad we can dispel that myth!

    Thank you SOOOO much for the heads up on the Vintage Black Glamour, this is inspiration city :)

  14. @Mimi, I'd love to see a Dorothy look, I think my hair may be a bit long to do some of her styles but I still wanna give it a try!

  15. I can't wait until my hair is long enough to do these styles...I'm crossing my fingers that one will pop up that I can do now. :)

  16. Thank you so much for your blog. Always looking for ways to rock my natural hair!

  17. YES we can!! ;) I too have been thinking of doing a post on vintage hair for black sisters! I only texturize my hair for a very brief time every six months, so I've been forced to figure out my own hairstyling. Great post!

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