Monday, November 21, 2011

My Winter Crochet Project

This is what I wanna make for Winter. Super cool right? Tutorial is here for anyone who wants to try it out with me.   Hopefully, I'll be able to get started on it within a week. I hate when I mark something cool to try and then never get to it!


  1. Those are really nice..even in that purple-ish color. :o)

  2. It is that time of year! I've been crocheting a bit. Those are super cute.

  3. Oh, to have the patience to crochet... My Mom used to do it all the time when I was growing up!

  4. Cute pattern! I love the color! I wish I could knit and/or crochet! My mom once tried to teach me when I was in elementary school but all I could make was one long chain! lol! I have a book on crocheting and knitting that I really should read! This post is great inspiration to finally learn!

  5. @ Lilia, I know right? I'm struggling with mustard or chocolate brown? hmmmm!

    @ Erika, yeah, I'm getting back in the spirit lol I don't crochet much in the summer

    @ Diva & Tara, crocheting is like the failing knitters hobby lol for me at least! It's much faster though, I made a throw in like a few weeks, and I don't do patterns, it was the same double crochet, over and over lol. I plan to teach my friend soon too! :)

  6. I would love to learn to knit! I can't see myself finding time until later in my life though. We'll see.
