Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Featured on Stylish Thought!

Shame on be for being late in posting this but Fajr of Stylish Thought featured me on her lovely blog and I'm completely smitten and honored to have appeared on such a fab site! I did a little diddy (er, pictorial, I just wanted to use the word "diddy" - no reference to Mr. Sean Combs) :)

Check out my Coretta Scott King inspired hair 'do by clicking on Coretta below ;)

Thank you to Fajr for featuring me!  :)

p.s. Happy (belated) Halloween! Though I didn't do anything for Halloween, I did take a quick snack shot of my fangs, I'll show ya next post real soon! Promise! :D

~The Retro Natural


  1. Are the links broken on this? I can't seem to get to the style you did.

  2. Brill! I miss my curly hair!
    Thanks for this great post :)
    Hope you have a great week.
    Joy x

  3. @ Freelancer, why thank you! I've been pondering it for eons and finally it's come to fruition :D

    @ Joy, thank you!! Though I kind of like the idea of straight hair, I do like the curls, they test your creativity more I think!
