Monday, October 17, 2011

Running the Long Beach Marathon

Ok, so I didn't actually run it - who would run a marathon in pink jean capris and green chucks? A few weeks back, my sweetheart ran it, a full 26 mile marathon! I was so proud, I ran with her towards the finish line......until they announced that only runners could cross the line! Ooooops HA!  Me and my homemade sign scurried off to the left and lost her and then eventually found her. It was fun but oh my, runners looked like they were in utter pain!
Congrats to them all!

I'll do a 5k (only one I've done ever!) but no 26 miles for ma'am! Ever run a marathon before? If so, I'm glad you lived through it!

~The Retro Natural


  1. Way to go!
    I ran my first 10K last weekend and loved it. I'd love to prepare for a half or full marathon but just don't have the time.

  2. I run a 5k and it was amazing. I was not looking for speed but I did it and I want to do more 5K in the future. When ur done, u wanna eat healthy,and treat urself good..

  3. Aww you two are so cute, love that you are supporting her all the way! My sister did a half marathon and said it was really hard. I would not even try, I could try swimming that distance, but running! Congratulations to her!

  4. @ Black Betty, way to go! That's pretty impressive! Congrats on getting it completed!

    @ Picture this, I think I wanna do a few more 5k's before I tackle anything else. It's the perfect distance at the moment for me. You're right, you do wanna stock the house with yogurt, bananas, veggies and other healthy stuff does do a body good!

    @ Jc, thanks! It was gonna be mentally draining for her so I figured, I can at least hang out for an hour or two and snap that finish line photo!

  5. I ran the Long Beach 1/2 marathon for the first time but this was my fourth 1/2 marathon. I always ask myself as I am crossing the finish line "can I run this again" and only once I said yes until I get more yes's then no's I am sticking with 1/2 marathons.
