Friday, June 10, 2011

Layered Curls and Shadow

I've been rolling my hair as I have here and today I tried to go for a layered curls look. I like it so I better take a snapshot of it or else I'll forget! :)

I also took the advice of Imogen and tried some shadow to play up my eyes. I didn't want to overdo it so it's pretty minimal but I think it adds some mesmerizing mystique! Thanks for suggesting that! I've got a bit of studying to do before attempting some of the vintage eye looks, they look like they may take a bit of practice. But I'm up for a challenge so it should be fun!

~The Retro Natural


  1. I love this look! It's so pretty. Are you going to do a YouTube tutorial on it? *crosses fingers* *looks hopeful* Also, do you straighten your hair before you roller set it? If not, what do you do to help keep down frizz? It looks lovely and I can't wait to try it. This is def. one of my favorite blogs. Keep up the great work.

  2. Definitely loving the hair and make up!! The make up looks great on you, can't wait for other looks like this!
    Thanks for sharing sis!

  3. The curls are extremely cute, as well as your makeup. Very subtle and gorgeous!

  4. This is very nice - I love the lipstick too.

  5. @ Ashley, thank you! Sure, I'll do a quick tutorial, it's pretty easy :)

    @ Funbi, Kiki, and Cam thank you for the kind words gals! :)

  6. Hi Autumn! I just wanted to let you know that I've posted an interview with Audrey Sivasothy, author of The Science of Black Hair on my blog:
    Check it out and send your readers, we're doing a book giveaway!!!

  7. Yes! You look great! I want to try this look myself, you should try too!

    With eyes as large and doe-like as yours, there's no such thing as "over do." Trust your eyes to carry glamour, I do!


  8. @ Imegen, Nice tutorial, I'll check that one out! Thanks for the kind words doll! :)

  9. @ Evelyn, very cool! I'll definitely mention it :) thanks!!

  10. love this look! cant wait for that tutorial :)
