Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How I'm (Currently) Setting my Hair

Sometimes I find myself changing up my hair setting routine just a bit. Just thought I'd share what I'm doing currently - more than likely out of laziness! - with the front side section of my hair. The rest of my hair is put into large braids overnight because it helps create a wave and it stretches my hair out a lot (which makes it easier for me to pin up rather than when it's really coiled and curly.

In the morning, I've been rolling and piling my hair onto itself and attacking it with bobby pins.I used all of these babies for one hairstyle...and this is a minimal bobby pin day - crazy! Quick! What's the most number of bobby pins you've used at once???

Simple, yep. effective, abso-freakin-lutely. But! I'm wondering if I'll like larger foam rollers..I've seen those really huge, JUMBO ones and I'm thinking it may be good to purchase a pack or two and see how I like them. My waves and coils would be super big if I used the larger barrel ones and I think it'd be fun to play around with 'em a bit. Do any of you have flexi rod rollers larger than mine? How do you like them?

~The Retro Natural


  1. Hi...
    The largest flexi rods I have are the purple ones. I use them for everything, luv 'em! I am pretty sure there are larger ones available though, the grey ones are jumbo size.

  2. I've used like 20 bobby pins at one time on an updo. After the 6 or 8th time, I got the hang of it and now I use about 13.

  3. Where has this blog been all my life?! I've been hunting in vain for women of color (with natural hair) embracing vintage styles. Thank you so much! Now I have a place to turn to when I'm trying to add a vintage flair to my looks!

    ~ madam ori

  4. @ mikimu, I wonder if I should go for the full jumbo size or the pink, I'm gonna be checking some out at Sally's soon, thanks for the info!

    @ Lilia, I bow down, you're the bobby pin queen! lol I don't think I've used 20..maybe 15! :)

    @ madamori, I'm glad you found me! I was researching natural hair vintage blogs and I mean I was looking for a while! SO I figured I'd go for it :D I hope you enjoy perusing the blog!

  5. Look great im gonna try this tonight I did a post on blog recently using the jumbo flexi rods I love them!

  6. My mom has one of those dryers, same color, still works :)
