Friday, April 8, 2011

30s Inspired Side Swept Waves

Hello my retro enthusiasts! Remember seeing those Hollywood bombshells in their pretty satin robes with their hair gracefully swept to one side with tons of gorgeous waves? I know I do! Well, I'm back to give you a more detailed tutorial on those oh so glamorous waves that women wore in the 30s. I was so excited after having that "ah ha!" moment with the flexi rods because it was the perfect solution to my desire for waves rather than coils. I can get coils anytime but waves, BIG waves, were another story. Not anymore!  I'll be going to a birthday party for my sweetheart's grandmother tomorrow and I plan to wear this hairstyle with a very simple but very cute navy and white pleated dress.

 See my tutorial below for the glamour shot look. (I would have worn something more siren-ish but it's reallllly cold here near the beach and I needed to dress accordingly! I think I get points for still getting in a skirt with brown tights and faux suede pumps lol)  Maybe I'll play dress up over the weekend ;-D)

Hope you like love it!

~The Retro Natural


  1. I love this look. Not only is it gorgeous, but elegant as well. Thanks! :o)

  2. Drooling. Do you think you can describe how you get your hair so smooth? I'm just wondering if it's a matter of taught-ness, when winding your hair on the flexirods? Or do you pre-stretch your hair before setting it on the rods?

    After trying to set on one piece of my hair in the front last night, my hair still looked too 'fro-ey and poof-ey today for the waves to really read, like as yours do.

    Thanks for the great tutorial(s)!

  3. @ Nefertiti, I was telling Kennie, the key is that fine line between damp and straight wet. Then brushing to smooth the hair and trying to keep it slightly taut so it doesn't curl up on itself also plays a major pun intended lol

    I don't always have to brush out my hair but I do it for good measure (like in the 30s wave vid) I I hope that helps! :)

  4. So pretty. Might try this for the wedding I'm on at the end of the month.


  5. Oh gosh I just relaxed yesterday after a six month transition because I thought that I could not go retro with natural hair. Deep sigh, at least I know now .....,, six months.

  6. I LOVE this look!!! And I totally agree that sometimes setting your hair on damp/stretched hair gives better results (especially with my kinky 4b hair!).


  7. @ M-J Atelier, I'm sure you can still do the styles..even if your hair is worn straight, you can still have fun with it as it is now. You can always make another attempt at going natural too! :)

  8. @WestNDNbeauty, If you try it out, be sure to let post a photo! I'd love to see it! :)

  9. THis is ironic, because for the wedding I'm in next weekend, we have to do a side sweep and wear a flower. THis is perfect! I was going to do the same thing, but after a week long braid out, i like this look though and it looks like less fuss.

    Question: Did you sit under a heated dryer? What products did you use (just curious) to smooth the hair out? My hair is considerably thicker than yours, so I know I'll have to use more flexirods, may effect the drying process, but i'm going to give it a test drive on Thursday! I'll do a video, if not before, then on the wedding day.

  10. @ Kali, my apologies on not being able to answer back sooner. I did sit under my dryer, my next post is going to be about it! I then slept in them to ensure my hair was actually dry because we all know exactly how much it sucks to wake up and take down a curler to find wet hair! For smoothing, I used Kinky Curly Knot today and coconut oil. the best smothing product is a bristle brush. Just don't brush to hard to where you're snapping at your hair, I find that it's best to brush more slowly. The most rods you use, the more your hair will curl, the less you use, the more wavy your hair will be. I would love to see a video though, hope it came out nice!
